Tag Archives: spirit activity

The Spirits Are Restless

It has been pretty quiet here at the Haunted Bookshop for the past couple of weeks. And, by quiet, I mean the “People from the attic” have left us alone, nothing has been moved from where we left it, overnight, and the shadow people who haunt the corners of our peripheral vision have been few and far between.

That is, until last night.

When I locked up last night, everything was normal. Messy, yes. Cluttered, sure. But normal. This morning, when the boss came in, my office floor was awash in shattered glass. It was as though someone scattered a garbage bag of shards of glass from one end of the room to the other.

There had been a glass shelf leaned up against a bookcase in there for about a month, since the remodel. I had seen it there every morning since we leaned it place. It was out of the “path”, stable in its placement and utterly undisturbed. Then, BOOM. This morning, it was shattered into pieces no larger than a quarter and widely distributed around the room. The glass shelf could not have slid down and broken after the fashion of this scatter pattern. Not without someone using a hammer to arrange it.

What on earth happened?! We thought, you know, Ring Of Fire, earthquake, maybe. But, in this shop there are dozens of shelves of glass, none of which had moved a fraction of an inch. Every other piece of glass was exactly where I left it.

Could it really be an angry haunting?? I am told that disturbances like remodeling can precipitate errant energy bursts, allegedly from spirit activity. But so energetic it can fling broken glass far and wide?

We did replace about 10 light bulbs in the past 24 hours bathing the darkest corners of the shop in bright light for the first time in a long time, as well. Could there possibly be a connection? I don’t know.

Despite having had dozens of dozens of personal experiences, I have yet to find definitive proof of hauntings, poltergeists, or any such activity. But then crazy, unexplained phenomenon occurs, and I am again called to wonder.

I wish I had some authoritative comment to make on this, the latest weird happening. Unfortunately, I do not. I did promise to share the bizarre stories that make up our daily lives around the Haunted Bookshop, and so, here is another.

At least we know that we aren’t “just imagining things”. A floor covered in shattered glass requires no imagination at all…unless you ask your logical self, “how did it get there?”.

Happy Hauntings, Bibliophiles!!!